Ethereum AllInOne: ETH Ticker / Wallet viewer
Ethereum AllInOne is a Chrome extension developed by Zed's Dev that aims to provide users with all the necessary information about Ethereum in one place. This free extension offers a range of features that allow users to conveniently access and track important information about Ethereum.
With Ethereum AllInOne, users can easily view stocking prices of Ethereum in their preferred currency, along with the opening, lowest, and highest prices for the current day. The extension also provides real-time evolution data for the current day, allowing users to stay up-to-date with the latest market trends.
One of the notable features of Ethereum AllInOne is the ability to customize addresses balances. Users can add their Ethereum wallet addresses and conveniently monitor their balances without the need for additional tools or applications.
In the event of any bug or if users have suggestions for new features, they can create an issue on the GitHub repository, and the developer will promptly address them. The extension also offers users the option to show their support by making a donation in ETH.
Overall, Ethereum AllInOne provides a comprehensive solution for Ethereum users to conveniently access and track important information about Ethereum, all within a user-friendly Chrome extension.
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